There can be no better way of communicating the benefit of having battery storage than publishing the graph below.
It records the energy my house has taken from the grid each month, starting at January 2023 and ending January 2024*; the battery storage was commissioned on 1st November 2023.
The step-down in grid consumption from November is quite remarkable, - more than I ever expected.
The data for the graph is reliable; the figures come from the meter readings sent to OVO, the electricity utility who sell grid energy to me.
I look forward now to seeing how this graph pans out over a full year; the three months in which battery storage has so far been contributing, have been months when the Powerspout has generated at its maximum and there has been little input from solar; later in the year, the mix will change, - and therein lies my interest to see how the full year looks.
* I will update the graph each month after January 2024, and do this for 1 year, to give the latest information.